EPR compliance in India. All our Beverages production facilities globally are zero waste to landfill since 2019
Of water recharged through Project Jalodari. It will contribute to same amount of recharge annually going forward
Of the India Plastics Pact
Independent Directors on Board
Non-Executive Directors on Board
Average Board meeting attendance
Average Audit Committee attendance
Members of the Audit, Risk Management and CSR and Sustainability Committees are Independent Directors
Non-promoter holding
Directors in the age group of 40-60 years
Directors in the age group of 60-65 years
Proxy Advisory Firms recommended Vote in favour for all shareholder’s resolutions proposed in FY 22-23
Average voting in favour on all shareholder’s resolution passed in
FY 22-23
increase % vs PY
*Constant currency growth | # Capital employed= Tangible Net Worth (includes non current investments) + Total Debt + Deferred Tax Liabilities
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