Eight O Clock Coffee Celebr8s Its Gr8est Fans !

Eight O Clock Coffee Celebr8s Its Gr8est Fans !
08 November 2012 158 words 0-MINUTE READ
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Eight O'Clock Coffee honored four of its top social media "Superfans" from Facebook and Twitter by surprising them with a trip to the company's roasting facility in Landover, Maryland. Here, the Superfans got a behind-the-scenes tour to see how their favorite coffee is made – and they got to meet the people behind the coffee. At the plant, the Superfans received a "Coffee 101" tutorial, including an in-depth cupping session, a full tour, and lessons on coffee production.

The four Superfans of America's Original Gourmet Coffee shared thoughts about Eight O'Clock Coffee's rich past, exciting present and potential future ideas with the Brand Team. Eight O'Clock Coffee gained valuable insights and appreciated the opportunity to interact with these true brand ambassadors, who traveled from Oklahoma, Upstate New York, Western Maryland and St. Louis, MO to attend the fun-filled three-day event.

The Superfans (and their guests) left with Eight O'Clock Coffee goodies, memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.