Steve Eastham, VP of Operations, has been named as a Make it in Great Britain Industry Champion at the recent Government’s Manufacturing Summit

Steve Eastham, VP of Operations, has been named as a Make it in Great Britain Industry Champion at the recent Government’s Manufacturing Summit
22 March 2012 282 words 1-MINUTE READ
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Steve joins 29 other Industry Champions

Steve joins 29 other Industry Champions – who are leaders in their field across a variety of sectors within manufacturing – who have signed up to lend their support to the campaign, which was launched by Business Secretary Vince Cable and Business Minister Mark Prisk in 2011. Make it in Great Britain aims to transform the image of UK manufacturing and encourage young people to consider a career in the industry.

Make it in Great Britain is a campaign aimed at transforming outdated opinions of UK manufacturing and dispelling the myth that Britain ‘doesn’t make anything anymore’. It seeks to promote British manufacturing as a dynamic sector, offering excellent job and investment opportunities. Investors from the food and drink industry and other sectors, are invited to put their innovative products forward for the chance to display in a six week exhibition of Great British Manufacturing at the Science Museum this summer during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Business Minister Mark Prisk said:

“The outdated perception of the manufacturing industry does not match the reality of today. Make it in Great Britain is all about encouraging support for the sector, dispelling myths and encouraging greater interest in industry by young people and investors”.

Steve commented; “I’m very proud to be actively involved in the Make it in Great Britain campaign. The food and drink industry generated £26.3 billion of gross value added in 2010, represents 15% of total manufacturing output in the UK and employs up to 400,000 people. As part of Make it in Great Britain, we want to highlight this to show that manufacturing is a British success story and vital to our economic growth”.

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