Tata Global Beverages ranked 6th in the Carbon Leadership Disclosure Index (CDLI)

Tata Global Beverages ranked 6th in the Carbon Leadership Disclosure Index (CDLI)
29 November 2011 309 words 1-MINUTE READ
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Tata Global Beverages has recently been recognised as a leader in carbon measurement and management, ranking 6th overall in the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) prestigious Carbon Leadership Disclosure Index (CDLI).

Tata Global Beverages has recently been recognised as a leader in carbon measurement and management, ranking 6th overall in the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) prestigious Carbon Leadership Disclosure Index (CDLI).

We are delighted that our approach to carbon measurement and management has been rated highly in this external assessment, especially given that we participated for the first time this year. Our sixth place is the well-deserved outcome of a project which began back in December 2010 and involved significant contribution from employees at over 60 different locations around the world.

Our involvement in the CDP is part of our wider push to turn our sustainability strategy into action. Participation is a vital first step which enables us to make informed decisions about our climate change reduction priorities and identify where the biggest wins are in terms of adding value and creating competitive advantage for our brands.

The Carbon Disclosure Project which creates the CDLI is an organisation launched to accelerate solutions to climate change and water management. Over 3,000 organisations in some 60 countries around the world now measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, water management and climate change strategies through CDP, in order that they can set reduction targets and make performance improvements.

The extent of our first carbon footprint study was Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the GHG (greenhouse gas) Protocol Standard rules. This covers direct emissions and emissions from mobile combustion and electricity. Now that we have a base year calculation, we can set emission reduction targets and measure against these base year figures.

We will continue to lead this programme through a mix of carbon footprinting and specific project activity with the objective of reducing carbon usage and delivering clear business benefits.

For more information about the Carbon Disclosure Project or the Carbon Leadership Disclosure Index, please visit: https://www.cdproject.net