Tata Tea Premium emphasizes the importance of both Big and Small duties with the new Jaago Re campaign

Tata Tea Premium emphasizes the importance of both Big and Small duties with the new Jaago Re campaign
05 September 2012 585 words 2-MINUTE READ
News Category
Tata Tea Premium’s latest TVC brings alive the perfect blend of ‘Choti and Badi patti’ in the context of the ‘Jaago Re’ philosophy

Tata Tea’s award winning Jaago Re! campaigns have time and again awakened individuals and inspired them to be the change they wish to see around them. Making its debut in 2007, the campaign began with a television commercial (TVC) which showed a young man enquiring about the credentials and credibility of a local politician campaigning for votes before offering him a cup of tea. Striking a chord with the youth, the campaign launched a series of advertisements over the last four years that wove in the themes of awakening, enlightening and civic consciousness.

Tata Tea’s flagship brand Tata Tea Premium in its latest TVC touches upon the importance of fulfilling ones duties, however big or small they may be. Inspired by the Jaago Re! philosophy, the TVC plays up the fact that to make a serious impact, it is not enough to do only the ‘big important’ things like voting and fighting corruption, but that it is crucial to do what are often considered minor tasks like following traffic rules, that are equal in importance and impact.


The film plays out at a typical Indian home where the husband returns on a motorbike with two of his friends. The wife teasingly asks the husband if he is done with his day’s share of whiling time away. The husband replies with great pride that he just cast his vote and has thus fulfilled his ‘big’ duty. His wife, on hearing this, starts to prepare tea made merely of big tea leaves. On being questioned by her husband she explains that just the way the perfect cup of tea has a blend of ‘choti’ and ‘badi’ patti (big and small leaves), it is equally important that one gives importance to a blend of all duties, however big or small they may be.

Vikram Grover, Head, Marketing, Tata Global Beverages explains, “Our insight from recent events has been that while we as a country are getting deeply engaged with the larger issues that the nation is facing, we sometimes forget the small duties that we are expected to perform as citizens. The film builds on giving due importance to issues, big or small. The commercial draws from Jaago Re’s philosophy and blends perfectly with the product differentiator of Tata Tea premium which has a perfect blend of small and big tea leaves (choti and badi patti) required to make a perfect cup of tea.”

Link to the TVC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAEV1K8JuV4&list=UUYSz1fz2Add_i5DH4Yb8Dzw&index=1&feature=plcp


Client: Tata Global Beverages

Agency: Lowe Lintas

Creative:  Amer Jaleel, Anaam Mishra

Servicing: G.V.Krishnan,  Aejaz Khan, Rajiv Chatterjee, Kunal Madhavdas, Mainak Bag

Planning: Vikram Satyanath, Gulshan Singh

Production house: Chrome Pictures

Director: Amit Sharma

Producer: Prafull Sharma

Cinematographer: Tapan Basu

Media agency: Madison Media

About Tata Tea Premium

Tata Tea Premium is India's largest packaged tea brand both in terms of volume and value and is almost 30% larger than its nearest competitor (As per AC Nielsen MAT July 2012). It is the flagship brand of Tata Global Beverages in India which was launched in 1985 as Tata Tea and revolutionized the way tea was sold in India with the introduction of the polypack format. More recently, it’s Jaago Re campaign has redefined the role of tea from a mere physical rejuvenator to a medium of social Awakening. It’s been a journey of building volume, value and thought leadership.   Its unique mix of different-sized tea (leaves) gives it a perfect balance of aroma and strength leading to a great cup of tea millions of Indians wake up to